Chat Support

Chat Support

Chat Support

Demandwhiz has experienced chat support representatives that can handle any type of process from simple customer support for retail and e-commerce companies to technical support for technology companies. We have it covered all.

SLA per product & KPI’s

Demandwhiz is committed to the below given KPI’s and Service Level Agreement (SLA):

  • Number of available agents
  • Number of chats/tickets in queue
  • Average chat handling time
  • Session (chat) abandonment rate
    1. Average concurrent chat sessions
    2. Maximum concurrent chat sessions
  • Hold time
  • Answer time
    1. Percentage of cases resolved in chat
    2. Customer Satisfaction Scores

With years of experience in Chat Support, we keep the chat abandoned rate at the minimum, and chat handling time is be just as required with a sole objective of more sales and higher customer satisfaction, without compromising on the quality of work. We make sure that we work in alignment of client’s business expectations at all times.


Our current infrastructure has the capability of scaling up to 60 seats to work round the clock. In terms of Information Security Infrastructure, the employees working in the company have agreed and signed the confidential paper that states ‘do not disclose the technology/information related to client(s) or any such crucial information’ outside the workplace. Every person working in Demandwhiz believes and follows the code of ethics to protect the privacy and work on allotted projects with dedication.

  • CCTV camera
  • Prohibition on pen drives, laptops, HDD etc
  • Complete paperless office
  • Every employee obeys the code of ethics